1935 Florida Precinct 2-8
Precincts 2 - 8
Compiled by volunteers of the Genealogical Society of Santa Rosa County. Many names in the census were distorted or illegible. Every effort was made to index names to the best of our ability. This is the second of three volumes.
Pages are coded by Precinct number (italics) and page number (bold type) of that precinct.
Wallace Precinct 2 Coon Hill Precinct 3 Jay Precinct 4
Milligan Mills Precinct 5 Red Rock Precinct 6 Kennedy Precinct 7
Pinewood Precinct 8
Surname Precinct & Page Number
Abbott 4-24, 59, 60, 95
Adams 2-37, 38; 7-15
Adaway 4-51
Adkerson 4-53
Agerton 4-31
Albrittian 4-36
Allen 2-5, 11, 31; 5-7, 8; 6-7; 7-7, 8
Allie 2-40
Allred 6-2
Anderson 8-1
Andrews 2-37, 38; 4-50, 51
Anthony 4-19
Arant 7-7
Archer 7-4
Ard 2-1, 2, 11, 19, 28, 29; 3-5, 6, 23, 26
Armstrong 4-75, 76
Ashworth 4-15, 16, 33, 34
Attaway 3-15; 4-87
Aucain 7-14
Autrey 7-5, 6
Bailey 2-4, 11; 4-64
Baker 4-13
Baldwin 7-3, 4
Banks 7-5
Barbarin 7-13
Barber 2-36, 37
Barley 3-12
Barnes 2-4, 26; 4-76, 77; 5-3, 8
Barnhill 5-12
Bass 3-11; 6-5
Batchelor 7-3, 4
Baucher 7-13
Baulanger 7-19
Bauldree 3-9, 10; 4-3, 4
Beal 4-86, 87
Beasley 2-21; 5-19, 20
Beck 8-1, 2
Bedsole 4-10
Beland 7-23
Bell 7-3
Benoit 7-13, 14
Bentley 2-24
Betterton 4-52, 53
Biennenue 7-23
Birch 4-74
Black 7-17, 18
Blackburn 4-43
Blackwell 3-24
Blain 7-19
Blair 4-78, 79; 7-14
Blanton 3-21; 4-57, 58
Blocker 5-7
Boatwright 2-10
Body 2-7, 8, 9
Bogard 2-9, 10
Bohannon 3-17, 18, 25; 4-86
Bonifay 8-1, 3
Booker 4-61, 68, 71; 6-3, 4; 7-17
Borders 4-46, 47, 48
Boutwell 4-34, 36, 37, 53, 72, 73, 83, 93, 94
Boyd 4-3, 4
Brackins 7-16, 17
Bradley 2-39
Brake 6-1
Brassard 7-15
Bray 2-25, 27; 4-68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 78, 79, 82, 83
Breault 7-11, 12
Brewer 2-29
Bright 2-6, 7
Brookins 5-2
Brooks 2-2, 23; 4-15, 16
Brown 2-14; 4-22, 47, 73; 5-13; 8-3, 4
Broxton 4-79
Brunette 7-22
Brunson 4-15
Buchannon 5-1, 2
Bullock 2-32
Bundy 5-10
Burgamy 4-11, 12
Burkett 4-37; 7-5, 6
Burkette 2-11
Burnham 7-1, 2
Burns 4-7, 8
Bush 2-12, 13; 7-15
Bussiere 7-20
Bynum 4-18
Byrd 4-33, 34; 5-19, 20
Caharn 7-5
Calfee 4-62, 63
Calhoun 2-35, 36
Camacia 2-36
Camp 2-26
Campbell 2-8, 9, 20, 24; 4-28, 29, 60, 78, 88, 92
Cannon 4-1, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 82, 83, 95, 96
Canuth 5-17, 18
Capus 4-90
Carden 4-68, 69
Cardwell 3-26; 4-8
Carnley 2-14; 3-15; 4-52, 54A, 54B, 57, 58, 59, 90; 6-3, 4
Carpenter 2-32, 35; 7-1, 21
Carr 3-12, 21; 4-33, 34; 6-2
Cartwright 2-9, 10; 3-3, 4, 13, 14; 4-36, 37
Casey 4-73
Castleberry 2-2, 6, 8
Castlelow 3-19
Causey 2-3
Caussey 2-13
Cawley 4-11
Chagnon 7-16
Chain 3-1
Chapddline 7-13, 14
Chappell 3-18
Chatman 7-3
Chavis 4-78, 79
Chenel 7-13
Chessire 5-8
Chomard 7-11, 12
Clark 4-5; 5-3
Clay 7-7, 8
Clemmens 2-29, 30
Coachman 2-38
Cobb 4-14, 21, 28, 87, 95; 5-11, 12, 13, 14; 7-16
Cockrell 4-44, 45
Cody 2-5, 6, 9
Coff 5-5, 6
Coleman 2-39; 3-18; 4-41
Colier 3-10
Collier 2-17, 38
Conaway 4-40, 41, 48
Cook 2-10, 11, 12, 39, 40
Cooper 6-4
Copeland 5-3, 4, 6
Copers 2-22
Cornell 2-8
Cotton 7-5
Craft 4-40, 41, 42, 47, 91
Crapper 8-
Creulir 7-24
Crews 5-16, 17, 18
Cross 3-15
Cummings 4-27, 28
Dank 4-59, 60
Daniels 3-24
Daugette 4-5, 6, 59, 60, 95
Daughtery 3-11
Daul 4-95
Davidson 3-8
Davis 5-2; 6-2, 5; 7-25, 26
Davison 2-12; 4-7, 8
Dean 3-18
Decateaun 7-24
Dees 4-23, 24, 69
Desantel 7-12, 20
Desmarias 7-15, 16
Diamond 3-1, 2, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 2; 4-13, 51, 86, 87
Diden 8-1
Ditmars 5-15, 16
Dixon 4-13; 7-1, 9, 10, 13, 14
Dobbs 4-24
Dobson 3-16; 4-34
Dodd 4-41, 45
Dowey 7-11, 12
Dozier 2-5
Driskel 5-9, 10
Dubose 4-3, 4
Duford 7-23
Dunsford 3-3, 4, 11, 12, 21, 22
Dupont 7-12
Dykes 4-57, 58
Echols 4-55, 56
Eddins 4-69, 91, 92
Edgar 8-3
Ediker 4-72, 73, 86
Edwards 3-20, 21
Elie 7-12
Ellie 4-33, 34
Elliot 5-18
Ellis 2-13, 14, 15, 35; 5-19, 20
Emmons 3-4, 5
Enfinger 2-1, 2, 9, 13, 15, 19, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 35; 3-13, 14; 4-29
Emmitt 4-74, 75
Everett 7-3
Fairbanks 6-2
Faircloth 4-70, 71
Fale 4-59, 60
Farish 3-2, 3; 4-84, 85
Farrel 2-4
Feagin 2-37, 38
Few 5-6
Finkley 2-12
Finley 4-18
Flemmings 2-32, 33
Floyd 2-3, 4; 2-1; 4-44, 68; 5-10
Forbes 3-23; 4-40
Fort (Forte) 3-15, 16; 4-40
Foster 4-25; 8-2, 3
Fowler 3-25; 5-11, 12
Frazier 4-18
Fre_____ 4-49
Freeman 2-3; 4-21, 22, 48, 62; 5-12
Fullmore 2-7, 8
Fuqua 7-9
Fuquay 5-3
Gaines 2-24
Galipeau 7-19, 20
Gardner 4-8
Garvin 3-24; 4-50, 51
Gasselin 7-13
Gasselis 7-20
Gaston 4-46
Gavin 4- 54B
Gay 4-61
Gendron 7-15
Gillis 6-5
Godwin 3-23; 4-42, 43, 44, 54A, 54B, 81
Golden 4-62, 63
Goldens 4-72
Gomillion 3-7, 10
Goneke 4-23, 24
Goodson 3-14
Goodwin 4-86
Graham 3-24
Greathouse 6-5
Green 4-38, 62; 8-5
Grenier 7-11, 23, 24
Griffin 7-8
Griffis 4-67
Grimes 4-65
Griswold 4-42
Gross 4-40
Gulsby 3-13
Hale 2-19
Hall 4-7, 8, 27,31, 32, 63, 82
Halstead 7-22
Hamal 7-19, 20
Hamilton 4-12
Hammock 3-15, 16
Hamsey 4-19
Hanison 2-10
Hardin 4-63
Hardy 6-2, 6, 7, 8
Harold 2-32
Harris 2-13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 32, 36, 37
Harrison 3-5, 11, 12; 4-1, 2, 8, 10, 23, 26, 70
Hatcher 6-4
Hatte 7-14
Haveard 7-1, 2, 25
Hawkins 4-27, 28, 33, 34,
Hawsey 4-23, 24
Hawthorne (Hawthorn) 2-30; 3-16; 4-1, 2, 13, 29, 30, 41; 5-17, 18; 7-5
Hayes 2-5
Haynes 2-17, 33
Haynie 2-39, 40
Heaton 4-59, 60, 69; 5-9
Heber 7-12
Helms 4-68
Hemby 3-19
Hendricks 4-15, 18, 64, 65, 66
Hendrickson 8-1
Hendrix 5-1, 2; 7-2, 25
Herrington 6-3
Hicks 3-19, 20
Higdon 4-1, 95, 96
Hines 4-15
Hix 5-9, 10
Hoard 4-25
Hobbs 2-23
Hodges 7-8
Holland 4-80; 5-7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20; 8-5
Hollaway 4-3, 45
Holley 2-7, 17, 18, 25
Holmes 2-36; 7-3, 4, 7, 8
Hommac 2-13, 14
Hood 4-64, 65
Hopkins 2-1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 35, 36
Horn 5-7, 8
Horrell 4-88, 89, 90
Horton 2-41
Hotchett 2-36
Hotchkiss 8-1, 2
Howard 6-7
Howell 2-3, 9, 12
Howley 2-23
Huckabee 6-5, 6
Hudson 4-1, 16, 20, 22, 27, 59, 86, 87, 94, 95, 96
Huff 7-11, 12
Hughes 2-20; 4-30, 64, 65
Hunter 2-41; 4-55, 56, 91
Ingram 4-66; 8-5
Ivey 3-9, 12; 4-88, 89
Ivy 6-3
Jackson 3-5, 6; 4-10, 50, 52, 53, 54, 66, 67, 68, 69, 84, 94; 7-7, 8
Jalbert 7-19, 20
Jenkins 4-1, 24, 25, 26
Jernigan 2-31, 33, 34; 4-58, 66, 67, 70; 5-19
Johns 4-11, 15, 16
Johnson 2-16, 17, 34, 38, 39, 40; 3-7, 10; 4-32, 40, 55, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, 83; 6-3, 4; 7-5, 18, 21, 22
Johnston 7-12
Jones 2-3, 7, 21; 3-1; 4-7, 19, 20, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 69, 72; 5-9, 15;
7-3, 4, 25, 26
Jonder 2-41
Jordan 2-22, 37; 4-11; 7-6, 21
Jorden 2-3, 4
Joyner 2-19; 4-21
Justice 7-7
Kearley 4-26
Kelly (Kelley) 3-2; 4-42, 51, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85; 6-1
Kemp 3-14
Kempkes 7-19
Kennedy 8-2
Kent 4-21, 22
Kervin 5-17
Key 3-20; 4-51
Kilpatrick 2-18, 35
Kimbrew 5-1
Kimbrough 2-20, 21
Kimmons 8-3, 4
King 4-59, 60, 70, 71, 92; 5-16
Kirkland 3-23; 7-38, 39, 54A, 54B
Knowles 2-22
Lachnel 7-11
Ladkins 2-13
Lafortune 7-22
Lahens 7-22
Lanail 7-13, 14
Land 2-11, 33, 34; 4-40, 41
Landry 7-22
Langeuin 7-23, 24
Larkins 7-3
Lashley 2-2, 41; 4-4
Lassiter 5-12
Lauergne 7-16
Leclir 7-11, 12
Lecuyer 7-23, 24
Ledkins 2-13, 14
Lee 2-13, 17, 18
Leonaeue 7-23
Lesier 7-19
Lewis 4-6; 5-2; 8-1
Lindsay 8-1, 2
Lindsey 4-88, 89, 90
Linzy 4-5, 29
Little 3-7; 4-70, 71, 74, 91
Livingston 2-10
Lloyd 3-1, 2; 4-7, 84
Lockett 2-27, 28; 3-8
Locklin 7-6
Long 4-2, 4, 42, 80, 81
Lord 4-4
Louis 4-6, 16
Lovette (Lovett) 2-15, 16; 5-8, 20
Lowery (Lowry) 3-5, 6; 4-44, 76, 77, 82, 83; 6-2; 8-3, 4
Ludlum 7-18
Magaha 4-30, 31, 55, 56, 75, 95, 96
Mallory 4-56
Malone 4-15, 16
Manace 2-25
Mance 2-26
Mandy 8-2
Manley 2-29
Mannin 7-7, 8
Manral 7-6
Marshal 4-4
Martin 4-64, 65, 66, 67
Mason 8-5
Mathis 2-37, 38
Matola 8-4
Matthers 7-11
Matthews 5-4; 8-2
Mattox 4-31
Maultsby 7-8
Maybin 2-26
Mayo 3-14
May 4-3, 6, 62
Mays 2-38
McArthur 2-6, 20; 5-7, 10
McBride 2-29; 7-21, 22
McCaskill 3-20; 4-53, 58
McClanly 3-18
McCormick 2-10; 5-10
McCoy 3-7, 8
McCranie 7-17
McCrea 7-2
McCrebes 5-15
McCrory 4-38
McCullough 2-17, 18
McCurdy 4-14, 16, 17, 18, 26, 92; 5-13, 14
McDaniel 3-7; 4-44, 45
McDavid 3-17, 18
McGill 2-32, 33
McGlothern/McGlothren 2-12, 15, 16, 30
McGowan 2-27
McKenzie 4-20
McNeal 2-24, 37, 38
McQueen 4-92, 93
McSmith 2-41
McWilliams 2-7, 8
Meadows 4-32, 81
Meharg 4-37
Melenson 7-24
Menard 7-23, 24
Mengrims 7-25
Mercer 6-7, 8
Mikulaseh 7-14
Miller 3-13, 26; 4-55, 73; 5-2; 8-4
Mims 2-3
Mitchell 2-23, 24; 3-20
Mixon 4-84, 85, 87
Moore 2-7, 37, 38; 4-19, 46, 61, 69, 72, 73; 5-3
Morgan 7-9, 10
Morrell (Marrell) 7-2; 8-5
Morris 3-2, 21, 22; 4-39, 53, 54A, 56, 57,
Morriss 3-15, 16
Morrison 2-38
Mosely 2-18
Mote 4-20
Murphy 2-35; 4-5, 6, 50, 56, 73; 7-17, 18
Myers 4-81, 91, 92
Nadreau 7-13, 14
Nalls 4-82, 83
Neal 4-23, 24
Nelson 3-17; 4-3, 21, 22, 62, 71, 75, 76, 77, 82, 84, 86, 87; 5-4, 7, 8, 16; 7-9, 10
Nicholas 4-23
Nicholson 2-31
Nicki 2-20
Nobles 2-25
Nobley 4-3, 7
Nolen 7-4, 19, 20
Nored 4-27
Normand 7-23, 24
Nowling 2-22; 4-10, 47, 86; 5-11, 13, 14
Odom 4-2, 38, 39
Osley 2-39
Owen 8-4, 5
Owens 3-12; 4-29
Padgett 3-17
Page 2-16
Pairer 7-24
Palmer 2-18
Paquette 7-14, 19, 20
Paradis 7-13, 14
Parker 2-24, 39; 6-1, 2, 3, 4; 7-21
Payne 6-1
Peacock 4-70, 71, 74, 76
Pendleton 2-22
Penton 2-6; 3-13, 23; 5-1, 9
Perdue 4-38, 39
Perry 6-1, 2
Peters 4-25, 26
Phillips 4-44, 45, 46, 49; 5-17, 18; 7-9, 10
Pierce 6-7, 8
Pierson 4-31
Pitman 7-21, 22, 25, 26
Pitts 6-1, 2, 7
Polk 4-1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 67, 88, 89
Powell 4-70, 71, 74, 76
Presley 2-3, 37, 38
Pringle 5-3, 4
Pronast 7-16
Pugh 3-7
Purvis 5-5
Qumage 2-17
Rach 8-4
Raffaele 8-3
Rathel 4-68, 69
Rathell 7-5, 6
Raughton 8-3, 4
Ray 5-13
Rayburn 4-62, 63
Reeves 4-17, 18, 55, 56
Renfroe 2-32
Richards 8-1, 2
Richmond 2-12
Riley 6-3, 6
Rioux 7-11
Roberts 4-82, 88
Robinson 2-37, 38; 4-11, 12
Rogers 2-23, 24; 7-6
Ross 7-19
Rowell 6-6
Rucker 4-40
Rutherford 2-5, 6, 30; 4-88, 89
Ryals 4-85
Sadler 2-17
Salter 2-4, 5, 8, 20, 24; 3-23, 24
Sanail 7-23
Sanders 3-6
Sargent 2-18
Sasser 4-19, 87
Saucer 2-21
Scarborough 2-23
Scroggins 4-15, 16
Searcy 4-40
Seeter 2-21
Sellers 4-7, 8; 7-2, 9, 10, 21, 22, 26
Sessions 2-12; 4-45, 47, 48, 55, 85
Settles 4-19, 20, 21, 24
Shell 3-20; 4-31, 32, 80, 83, 84, 85, 93, 94; 5-6
Sherby 4-84, 85
Sherwood 4-66
Shiver 4-36
Shultz 4-21
Silcox 2-24
Simmons 2-3, 4; 3-3, 4, 14, 17, 36; 4-18, 28, 34, 52, 56, 76, 77, 84; 5-20;
7-4, 8
Simpkins 2-18
Sims 2-15, 16
Singletary 4-7; 5-1, 2
Skipper 2-15, 16
Slade 2-31, 32
Smale 8-2
Smilie 4-24
Smith 2-1, 12, 37, 38; 3-9, 10, 16; 4-7, 8, 13, 14, 47, 48, 52, 53, 79, 82, 93, 94, 95; 5-2, 15
Solomon 5-16
Spears 2-27; 3-14
Spicer 2-31, 32
Stafford 3-25; 4-62, 63
Stallworth 4-24
St. Amant 7-11
St. Clair 7-12
Steadham 2-25, 26
Steele 7-21, 22
Stewart 4-88, 89, 90; 5-1; 6-5, 6
St. Hilaire 7-11
Stinson 4-37
Stokes 4-79; 5-6; 6-7, 8
Stone 7-11, 12
Storns 2-30
Strickland 2-41; 3-22; 4-11
Summerlin 4-12
Sylvest 4-7
Tanner 3-11
Tarry 7-1
Tate 4-81
Taylor 4-4; 5-7, 18; 7-15, 16
Temples 7-8
Terry 7-8
Tetter 3-24; 4-52, 53
Thomas 2-38, 39; 4-11, 12, 95, 96; 8-5
Thompson 2-18, 34; 4-68; 5-5, 6, 19; 7-1, 2, 18, 21, 22
Tindell 4-5, 6, 39
Tisdale 4-15, 16
Tolbert 4-72
Tolleson 4-20
Touchton 6-5, 6
Toussaint, Robert 7-23
Trawick 2-5
Tunage 7-7, 8
Turner 2-19, 20, 35; 4-64, 65
Tyree 4-80, 81
Uptagrafft 4-93
Vallois 7-24
Vann 3-8
Vanns 3-22
Vaughn 2-12
Vincent 4-73
Vise 4-27, 28
Vonaxelson 5-8
Wadford 5-19
Wagoner 4-88, 89
Wall 2-4; 4-7
Wallers 8-5
Walson 2-23
Walston 4-94
Walther 5-3, 4
Walton 2-40
Ward 3-1, 2, 9, 11, 19; 4-36, 37, 38, 44; 8-5
Ware 4-44
Warrick 4-11, 12, 17, 23, 65, 71, 88, 89, 90, 93
Wasden 2-21, 22
Wasdin 4-45
Waston 2-9, 10
Waters 2-39
Watson 2-7; 3-12; 4-28, 49, 50, 54A, 54B, 72, 73, 81, 86, 87
Weaver 4-2
Weeks 4-48
Wells 4-39; 6-1, 2; 8-1, 2
Wheeler 2-3, 34
White 2-28; 3-10; 4-5, 6, 23, 43
Whitley 5-16
Wiggins 7-1, 2, 17, 18
Williams 2-3; 3-21, 22; 4-45, 88, 89, 90; 5-19; 6-7, 8
Willis 2-25, 26
Wilson 5-7, 8
Wise 4-9, 22, 37
Wolfe (Wolf) 4-12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 66, 67
Wood 4-50, 52, 53, 73, 83
Woodall 2-5
Woodruff 4-28
Wooten 7-7
Wordwell 7-21
Wright 3-18; 4-25; 6-3,4, 7, 8
Wyatt 7-7
Yarber 4-90
Yoder 5-8, 20
Young 2-17
Youngblood 4-27
Younge 4-66, 95
Zanders 2-17
Santa Rosa County, Florida
Precincts 2 - 8
Compiled by volunteers of the Genealogical Society of Santa Rosa County. Many names in the census were distorted or illegible. Every effort was made to index names to the best of our ability. This is the second of three volumes.
Pages are coded by Precinct number (italics) and page number (bold type) of that precinct.
Wallace Precinct 2 Coon Hill Precinct 3 Jay Precinct 4
Milligan Mills Precinct 5 Red Rock Precinct 6 Kennedy Precinct 7
Pinewood Precinct 8
Surname Precinct & Page Number
Abbott 4-24, 59, 60, 95
Adams 2-37, 38; 7-15
Adaway 4-51
Adkerson 4-53
Agerton 4-31
Albrittian 4-36
Allen 2-5, 11, 31; 5-7, 8; 6-7; 7-7, 8
Allie 2-40
Allred 6-2
Anderson 8-1
Andrews 2-37, 38; 4-50, 51
Anthony 4-19
Arant 7-7
Archer 7-4
Ard 2-1, 2, 11, 19, 28, 29; 3-5, 6, 23, 26
Armstrong 4-75, 76
Ashworth 4-15, 16, 33, 34
Attaway 3-15; 4-87
Aucain 7-14
Autrey 7-5, 6
Bailey 2-4, 11; 4-64
Baker 4-13
Baldwin 7-3, 4
Banks 7-5
Barbarin 7-13
Barber 2-36, 37
Barley 3-12
Barnes 2-4, 26; 4-76, 77; 5-3, 8
Barnhill 5-12
Bass 3-11; 6-5
Batchelor 7-3, 4
Baucher 7-13
Baulanger 7-19
Bauldree 3-9, 10; 4-3, 4
Beal 4-86, 87
Beasley 2-21; 5-19, 20
Beck 8-1, 2
Bedsole 4-10
Beland 7-23
Bell 7-3
Benoit 7-13, 14
Bentley 2-24
Betterton 4-52, 53
Biennenue 7-23
Birch 4-74
Black 7-17, 18
Blackburn 4-43
Blackwell 3-24
Blain 7-19
Blair 4-78, 79; 7-14
Blanton 3-21; 4-57, 58
Blocker 5-7
Boatwright 2-10
Body 2-7, 8, 9
Bogard 2-9, 10
Bohannon 3-17, 18, 25; 4-86
Bonifay 8-1, 3
Booker 4-61, 68, 71; 6-3, 4; 7-17
Borders 4-46, 47, 48
Boutwell 4-34, 36, 37, 53, 72, 73, 83, 93, 94
Boyd 4-3, 4
Brackins 7-16, 17
Bradley 2-39
Brake 6-1
Brassard 7-15
Bray 2-25, 27; 4-68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 78, 79, 82, 83
Breault 7-11, 12
Brewer 2-29
Bright 2-6, 7
Brookins 5-2
Brooks 2-2, 23; 4-15, 16
Brown 2-14; 4-22, 47, 73; 5-13; 8-3, 4
Broxton 4-79
Brunette 7-22
Brunson 4-15
Buchannon 5-1, 2
Bullock 2-32
Bundy 5-10
Burgamy 4-11, 12
Burkett 4-37; 7-5, 6
Burkette 2-11
Burnham 7-1, 2
Burns 4-7, 8
Bush 2-12, 13; 7-15
Bussiere 7-20
Bynum 4-18
Byrd 4-33, 34; 5-19, 20
Caharn 7-5
Calfee 4-62, 63
Calhoun 2-35, 36
Camacia 2-36
Camp 2-26
Campbell 2-8, 9, 20, 24; 4-28, 29, 60, 78, 88, 92
Cannon 4-1, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 82, 83, 95, 96
Canuth 5-17, 18
Capus 4-90
Carden 4-68, 69
Cardwell 3-26; 4-8
Carnley 2-14; 3-15; 4-52, 54A, 54B, 57, 58, 59, 90; 6-3, 4
Carpenter 2-32, 35; 7-1, 21
Carr 3-12, 21; 4-33, 34; 6-2
Cartwright 2-9, 10; 3-3, 4, 13, 14; 4-36, 37
Casey 4-73
Castleberry 2-2, 6, 8
Castlelow 3-19
Causey 2-3
Caussey 2-13
Cawley 4-11
Chagnon 7-16
Chain 3-1
Chapddline 7-13, 14
Chappell 3-18
Chatman 7-3
Chavis 4-78, 79
Chenel 7-13
Chessire 5-8
Chomard 7-11, 12
Clark 4-5; 5-3
Clay 7-7, 8
Clemmens 2-29, 30
Coachman 2-38
Cobb 4-14, 21, 28, 87, 95; 5-11, 12, 13, 14; 7-16
Cockrell 4-44, 45
Cody 2-5, 6, 9
Coff 5-5, 6
Coleman 2-39; 3-18; 4-41
Colier 3-10
Collier 2-17, 38
Conaway 4-40, 41, 48
Cook 2-10, 11, 12, 39, 40
Cooper 6-4
Copeland 5-3, 4, 6
Copers 2-22
Cornell 2-8
Cotton 7-5
Craft 4-40, 41, 42, 47, 91
Crapper 8-
Creulir 7-24
Crews 5-16, 17, 18
Cross 3-15
Cummings 4-27, 28
Dank 4-59, 60
Daniels 3-24
Daugette 4-5, 6, 59, 60, 95
Daughtery 3-11
Daul 4-95
Davidson 3-8
Davis 5-2; 6-2, 5; 7-25, 26
Davison 2-12; 4-7, 8
Dean 3-18
Decateaun 7-24
Dees 4-23, 24, 69
Desantel 7-12, 20
Desmarias 7-15, 16
Diamond 3-1, 2, 9, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 2; 4-13, 51, 86, 87
Diden 8-1
Ditmars 5-15, 16
Dixon 4-13; 7-1, 9, 10, 13, 14
Dobbs 4-24
Dobson 3-16; 4-34
Dodd 4-41, 45
Dowey 7-11, 12
Dozier 2-5
Driskel 5-9, 10
Dubose 4-3, 4
Duford 7-23
Dunsford 3-3, 4, 11, 12, 21, 22
Dupont 7-12
Dykes 4-57, 58
Echols 4-55, 56
Eddins 4-69, 91, 92
Edgar 8-3
Ediker 4-72, 73, 86
Edwards 3-20, 21
Elie 7-12
Ellie 4-33, 34
Elliot 5-18
Ellis 2-13, 14, 15, 35; 5-19, 20
Emmons 3-4, 5
Enfinger 2-1, 2, 9, 13, 15, 19, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 35; 3-13, 14; 4-29
Emmitt 4-74, 75
Everett 7-3
Fairbanks 6-2
Faircloth 4-70, 71
Fale 4-59, 60
Farish 3-2, 3; 4-84, 85
Farrel 2-4
Feagin 2-37, 38
Few 5-6
Finkley 2-12
Finley 4-18
Flemmings 2-32, 33
Floyd 2-3, 4; 2-1; 4-44, 68; 5-10
Forbes 3-23; 4-40
Fort (Forte) 3-15, 16; 4-40
Foster 4-25; 8-2, 3
Fowler 3-25; 5-11, 12
Frazier 4-18
Fre_____ 4-49
Freeman 2-3; 4-21, 22, 48, 62; 5-12
Fullmore 2-7, 8
Fuqua 7-9
Fuquay 5-3
Gaines 2-24
Galipeau 7-19, 20
Gardner 4-8
Garvin 3-24; 4-50, 51
Gasselin 7-13
Gasselis 7-20
Gaston 4-46
Gavin 4- 54B
Gay 4-61
Gendron 7-15
Gillis 6-5
Godwin 3-23; 4-42, 43, 44, 54A, 54B, 81
Golden 4-62, 63
Goldens 4-72
Gomillion 3-7, 10
Goneke 4-23, 24
Goodson 3-14
Goodwin 4-86
Graham 3-24
Greathouse 6-5
Green 4-38, 62; 8-5
Grenier 7-11, 23, 24
Griffin 7-8
Griffis 4-67
Grimes 4-65
Griswold 4-42
Gross 4-40
Gulsby 3-13
Hale 2-19
Hall 4-7, 8, 27,31, 32, 63, 82
Halstead 7-22
Hamal 7-19, 20
Hamilton 4-12
Hammock 3-15, 16
Hamsey 4-19
Hanison 2-10
Hardin 4-63
Hardy 6-2, 6, 7, 8
Harold 2-32
Harris 2-13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 32, 36, 37
Harrison 3-5, 11, 12; 4-1, 2, 8, 10, 23, 26, 70
Hatcher 6-4
Hatte 7-14
Haveard 7-1, 2, 25
Hawkins 4-27, 28, 33, 34,
Hawsey 4-23, 24
Hawthorne (Hawthorn) 2-30; 3-16; 4-1, 2, 13, 29, 30, 41; 5-17, 18; 7-5
Hayes 2-5
Haynes 2-17, 33
Haynie 2-39, 40
Heaton 4-59, 60, 69; 5-9
Heber 7-12
Helms 4-68
Hemby 3-19
Hendricks 4-15, 18, 64, 65, 66
Hendrickson 8-1
Hendrix 5-1, 2; 7-2, 25
Herrington 6-3
Hicks 3-19, 20
Higdon 4-1, 95, 96
Hines 4-15
Hix 5-9, 10
Hoard 4-25
Hobbs 2-23
Hodges 7-8
Holland 4-80; 5-7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20; 8-5
Hollaway 4-3, 45
Holley 2-7, 17, 18, 25
Holmes 2-36; 7-3, 4, 7, 8
Hommac 2-13, 14
Hood 4-64, 65
Hopkins 2-1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 13, 35, 36
Horn 5-7, 8
Horrell 4-88, 89, 90
Horton 2-41
Hotchett 2-36
Hotchkiss 8-1, 2
Howard 6-7
Howell 2-3, 9, 12
Howley 2-23
Huckabee 6-5, 6
Hudson 4-1, 16, 20, 22, 27, 59, 86, 87, 94, 95, 96
Huff 7-11, 12
Hughes 2-20; 4-30, 64, 65
Hunter 2-41; 4-55, 56, 91
Ingram 4-66; 8-5
Ivey 3-9, 12; 4-88, 89
Ivy 6-3
Jackson 3-5, 6; 4-10, 50, 52, 53, 54, 66, 67, 68, 69, 84, 94; 7-7, 8
Jalbert 7-19, 20
Jenkins 4-1, 24, 25, 26
Jernigan 2-31, 33, 34; 4-58, 66, 67, 70; 5-19
Johns 4-11, 15, 16
Johnson 2-16, 17, 34, 38, 39, 40; 3-7, 10; 4-32, 40, 55, 74, 75, 77, 80, 82, 83; 6-3, 4; 7-5, 18, 21, 22
Johnston 7-12
Jones 2-3, 7, 21; 3-1; 4-7, 19, 20, 46, 47, 48, 49, 68, 69, 72; 5-9, 15;
7-3, 4, 25, 26
Jonder 2-41
Jordan 2-22, 37; 4-11; 7-6, 21
Jorden 2-3, 4
Joyner 2-19; 4-21
Justice 7-7
Kearley 4-26
Kelly (Kelley) 3-2; 4-42, 51, 78, 79, 80, 81, 85; 6-1
Kemp 3-14
Kempkes 7-19
Kennedy 8-2
Kent 4-21, 22
Kervin 5-17
Key 3-20; 4-51
Kilpatrick 2-18, 35
Kimbrew 5-1
Kimbrough 2-20, 21
Kimmons 8-3, 4
King 4-59, 60, 70, 71, 92; 5-16
Kirkland 3-23; 7-38, 39, 54A, 54B
Knowles 2-22
Lachnel 7-11
Ladkins 2-13
Lafortune 7-22
Lahens 7-22
Lanail 7-13, 14
Land 2-11, 33, 34; 4-40, 41
Landry 7-22
Langeuin 7-23, 24
Larkins 7-3
Lashley 2-2, 41; 4-4
Lassiter 5-12
Lauergne 7-16
Leclir 7-11, 12
Lecuyer 7-23, 24
Ledkins 2-13, 14
Lee 2-13, 17, 18
Leonaeue 7-23
Lesier 7-19
Lewis 4-6; 5-2; 8-1
Lindsay 8-1, 2
Lindsey 4-88, 89, 90
Linzy 4-5, 29
Little 3-7; 4-70, 71, 74, 91
Livingston 2-10
Lloyd 3-1, 2; 4-7, 84
Lockett 2-27, 28; 3-8
Locklin 7-6
Long 4-2, 4, 42, 80, 81
Lord 4-4
Louis 4-6, 16
Lovette (Lovett) 2-15, 16; 5-8, 20
Lowery (Lowry) 3-5, 6; 4-44, 76, 77, 82, 83; 6-2; 8-3, 4
Ludlum 7-18
Magaha 4-30, 31, 55, 56, 75, 95, 96
Mallory 4-56
Malone 4-15, 16
Manace 2-25
Mance 2-26
Mandy 8-2
Manley 2-29
Mannin 7-7, 8
Manral 7-6
Marshal 4-4
Martin 4-64, 65, 66, 67
Mason 8-5
Mathis 2-37, 38
Matola 8-4
Matthers 7-11
Matthews 5-4; 8-2
Mattox 4-31
Maultsby 7-8
Maybin 2-26
Mayo 3-14
May 4-3, 6, 62
Mays 2-38
McArthur 2-6, 20; 5-7, 10
McBride 2-29; 7-21, 22
McCaskill 3-20; 4-53, 58
McClanly 3-18
McCormick 2-10; 5-10
McCoy 3-7, 8
McCranie 7-17
McCrea 7-2
McCrebes 5-15
McCrory 4-38
McCullough 2-17, 18
McCurdy 4-14, 16, 17, 18, 26, 92; 5-13, 14
McDaniel 3-7; 4-44, 45
McDavid 3-17, 18
McGill 2-32, 33
McGlothern/McGlothren 2-12, 15, 16, 30
McGowan 2-27
McKenzie 4-20
McNeal 2-24, 37, 38
McQueen 4-92, 93
McSmith 2-41
McWilliams 2-7, 8
Meadows 4-32, 81
Meharg 4-37
Melenson 7-24
Menard 7-23, 24
Mengrims 7-25
Mercer 6-7, 8
Mikulaseh 7-14
Miller 3-13, 26; 4-55, 73; 5-2; 8-4
Mims 2-3
Mitchell 2-23, 24; 3-20
Mixon 4-84, 85, 87
Moore 2-7, 37, 38; 4-19, 46, 61, 69, 72, 73; 5-3
Morgan 7-9, 10
Morrell (Marrell) 7-2; 8-5
Morris 3-2, 21, 22; 4-39, 53, 54A, 56, 57,
Morriss 3-15, 16
Morrison 2-38
Mosely 2-18
Mote 4-20
Murphy 2-35; 4-5, 6, 50, 56, 73; 7-17, 18
Myers 4-81, 91, 92
Nadreau 7-13, 14
Nalls 4-82, 83
Neal 4-23, 24
Nelson 3-17; 4-3, 21, 22, 62, 71, 75, 76, 77, 82, 84, 86, 87; 5-4, 7, 8, 16; 7-9, 10
Nicholas 4-23
Nicholson 2-31
Nicki 2-20
Nobles 2-25
Nobley 4-3, 7
Nolen 7-4, 19, 20
Nored 4-27
Normand 7-23, 24
Nowling 2-22; 4-10, 47, 86; 5-11, 13, 14
Odom 4-2, 38, 39
Osley 2-39
Owen 8-4, 5
Owens 3-12; 4-29
Padgett 3-17
Page 2-16
Pairer 7-24
Palmer 2-18
Paquette 7-14, 19, 20
Paradis 7-13, 14
Parker 2-24, 39; 6-1, 2, 3, 4; 7-21
Payne 6-1
Peacock 4-70, 71, 74, 76
Pendleton 2-22
Penton 2-6; 3-13, 23; 5-1, 9
Perdue 4-38, 39
Perry 6-1, 2
Peters 4-25, 26
Phillips 4-44, 45, 46, 49; 5-17, 18; 7-9, 10
Pierce 6-7, 8
Pierson 4-31
Pitman 7-21, 22, 25, 26
Pitts 6-1, 2, 7
Polk 4-1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 67, 88, 89
Powell 4-70, 71, 74, 76
Presley 2-3, 37, 38
Pringle 5-3, 4
Pronast 7-16
Pugh 3-7
Purvis 5-5
Qumage 2-17
Rach 8-4
Raffaele 8-3
Rathel 4-68, 69
Rathell 7-5, 6
Raughton 8-3, 4
Ray 5-13
Rayburn 4-62, 63
Reeves 4-17, 18, 55, 56
Renfroe 2-32
Richards 8-1, 2
Richmond 2-12
Riley 6-3, 6
Rioux 7-11
Roberts 4-82, 88
Robinson 2-37, 38; 4-11, 12
Rogers 2-23, 24; 7-6
Ross 7-19
Rowell 6-6
Rucker 4-40
Rutherford 2-5, 6, 30; 4-88, 89
Ryals 4-85
Sadler 2-17
Salter 2-4, 5, 8, 20, 24; 3-23, 24
Sanail 7-23
Sanders 3-6
Sargent 2-18
Sasser 4-19, 87
Saucer 2-21
Scarborough 2-23
Scroggins 4-15, 16
Searcy 4-40
Seeter 2-21
Sellers 4-7, 8; 7-2, 9, 10, 21, 22, 26
Sessions 2-12; 4-45, 47, 48, 55, 85
Settles 4-19, 20, 21, 24
Shell 3-20; 4-31, 32, 80, 83, 84, 85, 93, 94; 5-6
Sherby 4-84, 85
Sherwood 4-66
Shiver 4-36
Shultz 4-21
Silcox 2-24
Simmons 2-3, 4; 3-3, 4, 14, 17, 36; 4-18, 28, 34, 52, 56, 76, 77, 84; 5-20;
7-4, 8
Simpkins 2-18
Sims 2-15, 16
Singletary 4-7; 5-1, 2
Skipper 2-15, 16
Slade 2-31, 32
Smale 8-2
Smilie 4-24
Smith 2-1, 12, 37, 38; 3-9, 10, 16; 4-7, 8, 13, 14, 47, 48, 52, 53, 79, 82, 93, 94, 95; 5-2, 15
Solomon 5-16
Spears 2-27; 3-14
Spicer 2-31, 32
Stafford 3-25; 4-62, 63
Stallworth 4-24
St. Amant 7-11
St. Clair 7-12
Steadham 2-25, 26
Steele 7-21, 22
Stewart 4-88, 89, 90; 5-1; 6-5, 6
St. Hilaire 7-11
Stinson 4-37
Stokes 4-79; 5-6; 6-7, 8
Stone 7-11, 12
Storns 2-30
Strickland 2-41; 3-22; 4-11
Summerlin 4-12
Sylvest 4-7
Tanner 3-11
Tarry 7-1
Tate 4-81
Taylor 4-4; 5-7, 18; 7-15, 16
Temples 7-8
Terry 7-8
Tetter 3-24; 4-52, 53
Thomas 2-38, 39; 4-11, 12, 95, 96; 8-5
Thompson 2-18, 34; 4-68; 5-5, 6, 19; 7-1, 2, 18, 21, 22
Tindell 4-5, 6, 39
Tisdale 4-15, 16
Tolbert 4-72
Tolleson 4-20
Touchton 6-5, 6
Toussaint, Robert 7-23
Trawick 2-5
Tunage 7-7, 8
Turner 2-19, 20, 35; 4-64, 65
Tyree 4-80, 81
Uptagrafft 4-93
Vallois 7-24
Vann 3-8
Vanns 3-22
Vaughn 2-12
Vincent 4-73
Vise 4-27, 28
Vonaxelson 5-8
Wadford 5-19
Wagoner 4-88, 89
Wall 2-4; 4-7
Wallers 8-5
Walson 2-23
Walston 4-94
Walther 5-3, 4
Walton 2-40
Ward 3-1, 2, 9, 11, 19; 4-36, 37, 38, 44; 8-5
Ware 4-44
Warrick 4-11, 12, 17, 23, 65, 71, 88, 89, 90, 93
Wasden 2-21, 22
Wasdin 4-45
Waston 2-9, 10
Waters 2-39
Watson 2-7; 3-12; 4-28, 49, 50, 54A, 54B, 72, 73, 81, 86, 87
Weaver 4-2
Weeks 4-48
Wells 4-39; 6-1, 2; 8-1, 2
Wheeler 2-3, 34
White 2-28; 3-10; 4-5, 6, 23, 43
Whitley 5-16
Wiggins 7-1, 2, 17, 18
Williams 2-3; 3-21, 22; 4-45, 88, 89, 90; 5-19; 6-7, 8
Willis 2-25, 26
Wilson 5-7, 8
Wise 4-9, 22, 37
Wolfe (Wolf) 4-12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 66, 67
Wood 4-50, 52, 53, 73, 83
Woodall 2-5
Woodruff 4-28
Wooten 7-7
Wordwell 7-21
Wright 3-18; 4-25; 6-3,4, 7, 8
Wyatt 7-7
Yarber 4-90
Yoder 5-8, 20
Young 2-17
Youngblood 4-27
Younge 4-66, 95
Zanders 2-17